Sunday, April 3, 2011

Meal prepping...and a little kitchen smoke

If you're familiar at all with the Eat-Clean books, you'll know about the different cooler options. For those that don't, the concept is simple. "Coolers" are simply different clean eating meal plans. Cooler 1 is a plateau kicking and/or rapid results plan. Cooler 2 is for ongoing weightloss and maintenance. Cooler 3 is an introduction to clean eating. There are also Family, Vegan and Gluten-Free meal plans included in the Recharge book.

My short term goal is to successfully complete 7 days on the Cooler 1 plan. Since two weeks is the maximum to stay on Cooler 1, my plan is to simply incorporate clean eating in our family lifestyle after this kickstart.

I just prepped a bunch of foods for myself for the next few days.

....did I mention I don't cook???? Ya, that's right. I married a wonderful man who enjoys the kitchen. Nearly 20 years of marriage and I've pretty much managed to avoid the oven. So believe me this is going to be a learning experience.

Learning experience number one.....don't forget the pot of brown rice on the stove. At the moment it is soaking in the sink with hopes that the charred black bottom will scrub away and my son says the house smells like cigars. BUT, I did manage to get most of my meals prepped for the next few days. Yay me!

Here's my meal plan for tomorrow, eating every 2.5-3 hours. This is a work day for me so I'll be having three of these meals on the job.

M1. (7:30am) oatmeal, cooked with 1 tbsp ground flaxseed and a pinch of cinnamon, and 2 hardboiled egg whites.

M2. (10:00am) this meal is actually two. I'll eat half of it midmorning and half late afternoon. Can of tuna (in water), chopped apple, bean sprouts, cucumber. Mixed up as a salad.

M3. (12:30pm) chicken breast, 1/2 a sweet potato, fresh spinach and romaine lettuce with a squirt of lemon juice.

M4. (3:30pm) half of M2

M5. (6:30pm) grilled turkey breast, brown rice, steamed broccoli and red pepper

Water with every meal is essential! Cooler 1 does not call for the starchy carb in M5, but did allow it if necessary. I'm going to allow myself to have it. Also, I will allow for green tea midmorning and in the evening. I'm a huge tea drinker. I actually love green tea with no added milk or sugar so I'll be very happy with myself to cut it down to twice a day for this week. Hey, I'm giving up my mochas, so that's something!!


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